Friday, June 29, 2012

BRAVE -A Scottish Tale

On a recent school visit, two little girls came up to me after my presentation, and gasped excitedly, "You sound just like that girl in that movie - the one with the red curly hair!"  They even told me the name of the movie, BRAVE.   I thought they were talking about that other Scottish movie, BRAVEHEART, but was puzzled as to how such young children would have seen an R rated movie.

A few weeks later the problem was solved - I went to see the movie, BRAVE and fell in love with it all - Merida the feisty girl archer, King Fergus, her father (I have a Golden Retriever by the same name)  the scenery of 10th century Scotland with the mists and the mountains and the castles, the men all dressed in tartan (Americans call it plaid),  and the witch and the magical will o'the  wisp.

And of course, now,  I can see how those little girls immediately linked me with the voice of the main character, Merida, because the voice actress is Kelly Macdonald and she hails from the same spot of Scotland as I do - dear old Glasgow!  There are even some wonderful Scottish words peppered throughout like - Jings (meaning dear me)  Crivvens (means -golly gosh)  Helpmaboab (Oh no!)

Maybe after your bairns (Scottish for your wee darlings) see this movie, it might be a good time to introduce them to some more Scottish stories such as my book, The Giant King or Inventor McGregor.  Some other Scottish tales that I love to read to kids in schools:

Whuppity Stoorie by Carolyn White (illustrated by S.D. Schindler who illustrated my Magnus Maximus)

Catkin by Antonia Barber

The Woman who Flummoxed the Fairies by Heather Forest (and if children don't know the word, flummoxed before you begin reading, they will have guessed it by story's end!)

Tam Lin by Susan Cooper (this is my favorite version) great for Halloween!

Maybe you could finish up with a wee tune such as Scotland the Brave!

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