Friday, April 5, 2013

Another DREAM school visit

 A big thank you to all the staff and students of Trinity School in Durham, North Carolina for hosting such a marvelous Author's Visit.

All the children were so very polite, welcoming, curious, attentive, wise and wondering that it was just a joy to spend my day with them and their teachers and parents.  Indeed, it was another DREAM school -like Tumwater Hill Elementary in Seattle.

We explored the idea of seeing a story like a journey.  Here I am talking about how great stories can feed our hearts and give us courage - so we see a heart, because the French word for heart is La Coeur.  When we EN - COURAGE someone, as Felicity did with RAJ, we are feeding the Heart!

Stefano and his donkey from THE SANDAL ARTIST

With the older children, I talked about one of my favorite writers, C.S.Lewis, and how his book, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, showed me that we need the ordinary and the mundane (a wardrobe) to reach magic and mystery (Narnia).

Waxing poetic about C.S. Lewis

Not only was it a joy to present to all these wonderfully wise and welcoming children, but it was a treat to receive one of the best gifts I've ever had....

Look at this beautiful carving of the giant from my book, THE GIANT KING!! complete with a little gold crown!
THE CREATOR of this beautiful carving - the art teacher, Susy Holloway

Thanks to everyone at Trinity School in Durham - it was indeed - another DREAM visit!!

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